OUR STORY… here goes

About Us

Happily? Never. After!

Got a dream. Go for it. Express it. You be you. Don’t let your grind, get you down. Pursue what you love with a passion. We are. 

Something about Nevuary just calls to us. The name, the concept, the brashness of it. Tomorrow is not promised. Cliche? Sure, but true. Why wait for tomorrow, have some fun today. Do damage while your here, it proves you lived. Drive hard, shoot fast, have fun. When your Nevuary comes, have a great story. It’s all we really leave behind. Stay a while, leave us a note, make suggestions, pontificate on life, whateves… 

We hope you fall in love with Nevuary as much as we have. 


Happily… Don’t fall for that. Never settle. Push yourself. Status quo os not enough.

Never… Nothing changes unless you do. Today is that day. 

After… Pursue what you love, follow up on it. If all else falls, at least you tried. Oh and while your here buy a t-shirt or two, car parts ain’t cheap and ammo goes quick.


Juan Fernandez

"This was all my idea”

Courtney Fernandez

"Maker of all things here”

Gavin Rowe

"The Mad author of anguish”

Mad Maddox

"The genius behind the scenes”

